Values-Based Investing
While most investors do not consider the moral behavior of the companies they are invested in, Values-Based Investing pursues an investment policy that aligns a client’s investment objectives (or financial goals) with their core values. In addition to our regular thoughtful portfolio construction, Values-Based Investing includes a screening process which allows the client to invest in companies that are making a difference in the world.At Trinity Strategic Wealth™, we have access to a broad platform of values-based investing options that allow clients to align their personal core values with their investment strategy.
Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI)
Biblically Responsible Investing aligns client investments with biblical values. In the past, much of this screening process was only exclusionary, meaning that companies not meeting certain criteria would not be included in a portfolio. For example, companies that support, promote or produce products specifically related to pornography, abortion, embryonic stem cell research or alcohol consumption would be excluded. The screening process has since advanced to also include positive inclusionary screens to encourage investing in companies that are seeking to support biblical family values, protect the sanctity of life, promote peace, or provide for the poor and needy. Additionally, the process includes companies that operate with financial integrity and guide their businesses in line with biblical values.
Investing involves risk, investors may incur a profit or loss regardless of the strategy or strategies employed. There is no assurance that any investment strategy will ultimately be successful profitable nor protect against loss. Opinions expressed are those of the Advisors at Tulsa Wealth Advisors and are not necessarily those of Raymond James. Every investor’s situation is unique, you should consider your investment goals, risk tolerance and time horizon before making any investment decision. Prior to making an investment decision, please consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation. This information is not intended as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any security referred to herein. Investments mentioned may not be suitable for all investors. Investments in municipal securities may not be appropriate for all investors, particularly those who do not stand to benefit from the tax status of the investment. Municipal bond interest is not subject to federal income tax but may be subject to AMT, state or local taxes. Holding stocks for the long-term does not insure a profitable outcome. Investing in stocks always involves risk, including the possibility of losing one’s entire investment. International investing involves special risks, including currency fluctuations, differing financial accounting standards, and possible political and economic volatility. Investing in emerging markets can be riskier than investing in well-established foreign markets. Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or guarantee against loss.
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© 2020 Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc.
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